Welcome to Nursery
A Typical Session at Long Knowle Nursery consists of:
We are a 26 place Nursery.
AM Session Times: 8:40 – 11:40 (Gate opens at 11.35)
Children arrive and are greeted by a member of our Nursery Team
Child initiated play
Circle Time to discuss calendar, events and today’s learning
Small Group Time
Outdoor Physical Play/Child Initiated Play
Snack & Milk Time
Story/Song Time
Children dismissed by a member of our Nursery Team
Home Visits
Before your child begins Nursery two members of our Nursery Team will visit you at home at a pre-arranged time and date.
This is enables us to gain essential information about your child and to ensure a smooth start, as well as us being able to begin to form a relationship with your child.
It will also give you the opportunity to ask us any questions, share any concerns with us and discuss a start date suitable for both parents and school.
Language First
Our Nursery Staff are trained in URLEY (Using Research Tools to Improve Language in the Early Years), which enables us to help all children improve their language and social behaviours throughout their time with us.
Learning Together Journal
When your child starts our nursery, they will be given a Learning Together Journal for both parents and staff to contribute towards. This provides us with opportunities to learn more about your child and for you to share their journey through nursery.
‘The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.’ Dr Seuss
Reading is very important to us in Nursery and throughout Long Knowle. Each week your child will have the opportunity to borrow a book or story sack to share at home.
An opportunity to stay and play!
We enjoy having parents/carers in school to celebrate special events such as Mother’s/Father’s Day.
MarvellousMe is a free app that we use to tell you about the wonderful things that your child has been learning. You will be given a join code once your child has started nursery. Clcik here to see more about Marvellous Me.
Curriculum Statement
The curriculum is the totality of all the learning experiences that children will have in our nursery.
We follow a mainly progressive approach that puts children at the centre of all that we do. This seeks to develop individual potential through flexible, personalised learning that takes account of children’s individual interests and stages of development. We use a play-based approach with adults supporting children to develop thinking skills, learning skills, collaboration and independence.
We offer learners opportunities to take supported risks appropriate to the environment and to themselves.
Play has been called “the work of children” because it is through play that children learn how to interact in their environment, discover their interests, and acquire cognitive, motor, speech, language, and social-emotional skills (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2007).
Our Nursery Environment
Our environment is carefully planned and designed to ensure the core provision meets the needs and interests of all the children to ignite and promote curiosity. Our learning environment consists of various different areas. Each area is equally important and provides children with a range of resources and equipment to enable children to learn, working towards Nursery Goals.
We Love to Learn indoors
We Love to Learn outdoors
Useful Links/Advice
Top Tips for Parents: top-ten-tips-for-parents.pdf (
Tips for Behaviour: Top tips for parents - Your guide to positive parenting (
Toilet Training Tips: Promoting ‘healthy bladders and bowels’ (
Screen Time Help and Advice: Screen-Time.pdf (
Speech & Language Advice: ECAT 3-4 years (
Steps to Starting School: PowerPoint Presentation (
SNEYS (Special Needs Early Years): Resources and Home Learning - Special Needs Early Years Service (SNEYS) | Wolverhampton Information Network